4 Apps Teens Love that Parents Need to Monitor!

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A report by Pew Research claims that around 78% of children, especially teens possess mobile phones and the majority of them use Smartphones.

Nowadays, for teens proffered mode of communication is Smartphones, as they find free chat messenger applications as an added essence to their entertainment. So, it becomes paramount importance for parents to keep an eye on their teen’s cell phone activities. It is also imperative to check what and with whom they are chatting, possibly, in the week hours or during their study times. Although the use of cell phones is helpful for parents, as they get aware of their kid’s whereabouts, these gadgets are somehow giving rise to cyberbullying, sexting, and drug abuse.
Let’s check out the 4 best and most popular apps used by teenagers and the reason why parents should feel the need of monitoring them:

1. Whatsapp:


Although, Whatsapp is the trendiest application amongst all, is more common among teenagers, as they love to chat over Whatsapp. So, when apps like these are so popular among your children, it becomes quite important for parents to have knowledge about what their kids are doing and when they are online. Know who their friends are, with and what multimedia they share and chat via text messages. Well, if you’re one among those worried parents who want to keep an eye on their teen then you can do this by installing Whatsapp monitoring software offered by Spymaster Pro on your child’s phone and it will fetch all logs of text messages done individually and in groups to your online web account.

2. Instagram

track Instagram

This is another faddish app used by the majority of youngsters. However, with Spymaster Pro, you can check all their messages, images, or selfies being shared by them via Instagram tracking app by Spymaster Pro. Install the software onto your kid’s mobile phone and start monitoring them smartly.

3.  Facebook


Facebook is another platform where kids love to flaunt their excursions and party pictures. Many even share their status which can sometimes be troublesome for them, as they allow strangers to know the information about their personal front, which might lead to cyberbullying, mishandling of their pictures, etc. Well, need not worry much, as you can know what they are up to and safeguard them from indulging into any nasty situations.

4. Snapchat

Snapchat Tracking

View all Snapchat messages, sent or received by the target user from his/her cell phone, without knowing their Snapchat username and password

Why You Should Monitor Them?

If you feel your kids are behaving differently than usual, then it is the right time to monitor your child’s activities. Monitoring his/her cell phone is of utmost importance, as nowadays kids have adhered to their cell phones. Find out the reason behind their awkward behavior by installing the spyware onto their cell phones.

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