Category: Uncategorized

An App to Track GPS Location of Someone Without Them Knowing

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Keeping a close eye on someone you doubt, is not possible all the time. Either the person is your kid, teen or a dubious employee. Your teen may be attending a club party when he is supposed to be at his tuition. You are unaware of many such lies. Let’s take one more case. You … Continue reading “An App to Track GPS Location of Someone Without Them Knowing”

How to Read Someones Facebook Messages Without Password?

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Facebook Messenger, the world’s most popular social chatting App, in recent years has redefined the way people communicate with their near and dear ones. The recent report also suggests that Facebook Messenger is the largest social media communication App having millions of users exchanging messages with each other every minute. Time and again, the thought of reading your … Continue reading “How to Read Someones Facebook Messages Without Password?”

How to Track Apple Device Without Jailbreak?

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Apple designed its operating system in such a way that it has full control over the software you use. You cannot download anything that you are not allowed to. You have mostly heard that without attempting  jailbreak, it’s not possible to install a spy software in iphone. Jailbreaking is basically a technique that allows user … Continue reading “How to Track Apple Device Without Jailbreak?”

How to track someone GPS location: 8 Proven ways

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Want to know the whereabouts of your child? Is your spouse lying to you? Well, in this blog we will discuss the 8 Proven ways to track someone GPS location remotely and invisibly. These days it’s a challenge for parents to keep track of their child and their safety. Rather than sitting and worrying you must … Continue reading “How to track someone GPS location: 8 Proven ways”

11 exclusive things that you should do after rooting your android phone with Whatsapp monitoring feature.

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You must be aware of the term Android Rooting. But, do you know what exactly this mean? Rooting your android phone in actual term means removal or replacement of the operating system running on your device with the current updated version of your existing operating system. So, if you have started up with the rooting … Continue reading “11 exclusive things that you should do after rooting your android phone with Whatsapp monitoring feature.”

App for Listening Someone Calls from their Cellphone for Free

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Spy tricks are many, but the real ones with good payback and according to your spy needs are a few. While exploring the spy market, you will find ample techniques to get your eyes over someone’s personal space, but out of them, the best technique that people use for spying on someone is the cell … Continue reading “App for Listening Someone Calls from their Cellphone for Free”

How to track Whatsapp Messages on iphone without Jailbreak?

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One of my friends was going through a trauma of being cheating from her spouse. Only she knew the pain, she was going through and no one else. But, one fine day, she decided to reveal the matter to her in laws and kids too, but nobody believed her because she did not have any … Continue reading “How to track Whatsapp Messages on iphone without Jailbreak?”

Is it possible to Spy on Someone’s Instagram Account?

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Since the advent of Instagram and other social media applications, growing numbers of dishonest partners have been witnessed. These communication tools help them to cheat in their relationship. So, it is very important to always keep a secret watch on their online activities. If you are looking to Spy on Instagram account without letting them know, then … Continue reading “Is it possible to Spy on Someone’s Instagram Account?”

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