Check & Stop Cyber-Bullying Using Spymaster Pro

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Bullies are everywhere, and they can bully your child anywhere and by any means. The latest of which is via technology. This kind of of tormenting, harassing, or threatening by the means of mobile phones, internet and other digital technologies, is known as Cyber-Bullying and has seen a frantic increase in the recent few years.

This heinous activity, though isn’t limited to the kids and teens alone, they are the major victims. Next on the chart are women. Statistics show that almost 80% off of the social media profile holders have faced it, even if that be of a mild kind. While most incidents are ignored and forgotten, sometimes, these can prove to be socially and psychologically damaging for an individual, especially children.

In the naive phase of adolescence, kids at times, do not even realize that they are being bullied, until it’s too late. And given, the exposure and access to mobile phone, whatsapp, facebook etc.; it becomes necessary for the parents to keep a check on their children’s online activities and make sure they are not landing into troubled waters. And this they can do with technology itself. There are many fabulous ways of checking and curbing Cyberbullying. One such progressive gift is- Spymaster Pro.

Using this, simple software can help you safeguard your child from many a dangers they are vulnerable to. Here’s how this works:

SMS Tracking


Sending cheap, or threatening texts is one of the most common form of bully very young kids are subjected to. This tool by giving you access to the sms on the target device, will help you read all the active as well as deleted messages, thereby helping your child if you detect a danger. Now available with Spymaster Pro is another advanced feature, Keyword Filtering that helps you set some effective keywords to filter out the messages.

Whatsapp Tracking

Access whatsapp remotely on your child’s phone, and check if something’s going on that may be affecting your child negatively. You can have the access to all chats and media shared on the app with time and date specifications. You can go also figure out through the time and quantity of texts whether or not your child is developing whatsapp addiction symptoms.

Phone tracking:

If you’ve seen your child turning pale, when they receive a certain call, but are not ready to talk it out to you, try Spymaster’s Phone Tracking feature. You can get all details of the call log, including call summary and history. This may help you track down what’s (who) been troubling your teen.

Facebook Tracking:

There’s no end to the filth some people can spread around through the most widely used social media site. Psycho stalkers, and ill minds have youngsters as their most easy targets to be bullied. You can stop your child from being one such victim by monitoring their facebook chats and all shared media, using our spy messenger facebook service.

Absolving suspicions and doubts, and safeguarding the kids from all dangers, is the right of every parent. So, use the power of Spymaster, in order to keep them away from Cyber-bulling.

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