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The Gen Z generation or in the simple words, the millennial generation is the smartest one in using the cutting edge technologies like smart phones. The parents can’t keep up with the pace of both the progression of the technology and the way, their kids are adapting themselves to utilize these technologies.
Though the kids are able to use the technology, it is obvious that, they lack in the maturity to identify the risks and challenges while utilizing the technology. Advanced technology makes the kids to get exposed in an unsafe outer environment with any control. It puts the kids’ safety in to risk.
This article will provide the guidelines to the parents, and will focus on the FB Messenger along with its safety regarding kids.
Parental Safety:
Parental safety is the term utilized to indicate the control over the activities performed by the kids by their parents. It should not be misunderstood as the safety of the parents, but as the parents looking after safety of the kids. Parents must monitor the FB Messenger safety and usage by the kids. But before that, parents have to know about FB Messenger.
Basically, FB Messenger is an instant messaging application, which is used to communicate with anybody in an online mode. Messages may be in the form of text or may be multimedia like audio, video or image.
It has been initiated by the parent company of Facebook as well as WhatsApp, known as Meta, it integrates the working of Facebook. So, without installing Facebook, one can send the private messages to another user.
Parental Tips:
Parents can install phone tracking or spying softwares like Spymaster Pro to monitor the usage of FB Messenger performed by the kids. It is necessary, as the kids may be unaware, but they can communicate with the strangers, or with the pseudo personalities known as fake profiles. The information obtained from the kids can be misused and their safety, security may be at high risk. As the new advancements are emerging in FB Messenger, the financial transactions are also possible to be performed. Hence, parents should ensure the following things.
1) Control over screening time
Parents should look out for the time for which their kids are using FB Messenger, and should control it, if it is in excess.
2) Controlling Content
Parents should have control over the content consumed by kids. If they are chatting or watching adult or unethical or destructive content, then it should be kept in notice to their parents.
3) Restricted Access
Specific FB Messenger profiles or accounts may be hazardous or unsafe for kids. Kids must be denied an access to such profiles or accounts, considering child protection.
Apart from these three, there are so many other factors, which need to be considered, while providing an access of FB Messenger to the kids. The cell phone spying or monitoring software like Spymaster Pro will be the best solution or the tool to watch out for the kids’ safety. Following simple social media guidelines and using Spymaster Pro will lead to the ultimate parental safety.
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