Monitor Your Kid’s Text Messages

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Texting is the new mode of communication, especially for the younger generation and teenagers. But teenagers need supervision at their age to keep them from making any colossal mistake. To monitor text messages may seem an invasion of privacy.

But it is critical to keep in mind the dangers teenagers face nowadays. Internet and mobiles have brought risks to our doorsteps and are more comfortable targeting potential victims. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation(OSBI) reported 800 complaints by parents of predators contacting their kids or worse.

The Need to Monitoring Kid’s Text Messages

The times that we live in have made SMS tracking software, a practical necessity for parents. Kids are born in the age of mobiles and are quick to get addicted as a result. Many kids get addicted to sharing every thought and activity through SMS with their friends.

There are many reasons a parent needs to monitor their child’s text messages:-

Children’s Safety

Kids are at the age where they are highly curious and intuitive. It is their age of learning, but these instincts can often lead to actions without much thinking. Daily monitoring of their text messages can ensure their safety if they are engaged in risky acts.

Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying arises from very ambiguous reasons and is one of the biggest reasons for using parental control apps nowadays. But the act is deliberate, persistent, and done through malicious use of words or pictures.

It can show in various forms like:-

– Vile, physically repulsive, and extremely abusive threats getting received.

– Fake profiles set up to intimidate or embarrass a particular individual.

– Images or videos circulated with the pure intention to threaten or publicly humiliate someone.

– Rumors or lies being spread online about someone.

Online predators

It is so easy to disguise your identity on social media. Online sexual predators often do this to approach young kids that are physically appealing and young to them. SMS tracking software can be a big help to track if your kids are receiving text messages from sexual predators.

United States Department of Justice, 13% of children have received unwanted sexual solicitation on the internet.

– FBI reported that more than 500,000 predators are online every day.

– 89% of all sexual advances towards children take place in internet chat rooms and instant messaging.


Ever since mobiles and technology have infiltrated our lives, there has been a constant stream of studies on their effect on teenagers. Depression is a side effect, as found in the majority of the studies.

Social media and texting have contributed to a feeling of connection, but soon the facade breaks, and they end up feeling isolated.

A trusted tool like the Spymaster Pro SMS spy app will be of great assistance to any concerned parent about their kid’s SMS conversations.

Health issues

One other significant side effect of the number of texting kids is the excess screen time. That is bound to cause health issues in kids who experience much growth in this phase of their life.

SMS tracking software will provide you real-time information on their SMS conversations.

Some obvious health issues are:-

– Vision getting blurry

– Constant headaches

– Eye getting extremely dry and tired

– Huge eye strain

– Obesity

– Lack of proper sleep

– Pain in body joints and other types of body pain.

Spam messages

Spam messages are one of the realities of the times that everyone has accepted. But they can be much more threatening than one may perceive.

Hackers and spam artists are sitting online use this seemingly simple way to target people not well versed with technology and teenagers. Kids know a lot about technology. Still, the language used in these messages is quite tempting.

An SMS spy app will help you keep a tab on the various messages they receive in real-time and let you stay updated; they receive any message trying to lure them to a fake scheme of getting quickly rich, for example.


Kids are growing up and getting to know their actions and their consequences. But their knowledge is lacking. Hence they think it’s okay to share nude pictures and talk erotically with anyone.

Using an SMS monitoring app is a great way to keep a close eye on these activities of your kids.

It is critical to discourage such behavior in kids and teenagers.



Giving your kids or teenagers mobile is a critical decision in every parent’s life. Peer pressure is significant as most kids have it, and it also keeps parents informed of their activities. But at the same time, kids can get carried away with the freedom mobiles offer.

SMS monitoring app is one way to keep a close eye on kids as these apps come with a long list of other tracking features to keep you informed all day about their activities.

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