Wie kann ich einen Handy (Android) von meinem PC aus orten?

Technologie wächst von Tag zu Tag. Dadurch denke ich daran, dass die Welt immer kleine und näher an unsere Fingern wird. Jetzt können alles mit nur einem Klick erstellen. Alls nun kommen wir auf den Punkt, letztlich haben wir eine Menge an Anfragen von unseren Lesern bekommen. Fast alle waren über die Ortung des Handy über Ihren PC..

Im Idealfall ist die Handyortung in nur zwei Fällen notwendig- Entweder, wenn Sie Ihr verlorenes Handy zu finden brauchen oder wenn Sie jemanden verfolgen möchten. Gelistet sind die Schnelllösungen für ein oder das andere Problem.

Nervenaufreibende Situation

You almost get a small heart attack if you notice that you have moved your mobile phone somewhere. You forget about everything you do and search your whole apartment, corner for corner, or your workplace. But not just the most obvious places. Sometimes it accidentally slips behind the sofa, or even in our pants that we left in the closet.

To avoid this situation, you can easily download a smartphone tracker and install it on the phone to easily find your lost phone. This enables you to know the exact location of the cell phone. If it is stolen, it will spy on your phone without leaving any clue to the thief. This Handy Tracker Android app sits inside the phone and works in a stealth mode. It is silent and informs you about the perfect website of the phone directly to your computer, to your online account.

Worried about your family and organization?

Are you worried about your family? Do you think your children don't go to their schools / colleges regularly? Do you think your spouse is lying to you? Are your employees to blame for the increase in spending in the past month? Usually you should do something for you, but you go out and do something private. You are just confused by the situation. What should you do if you don't have strong evidence to confront them.

If all of these questions are confusing, then you should no longer hesitate to take the help of a cell phone tracking software like Spymaster Pro on each of your family members and employees. Secretly, plant the spy software into your cell phone and get access to its location while you are sitting at home or working in peace at your work place. This GPS location tracker will give you an authentic and accurate location of your cell phone because it has the GPS location on her cell phone. Funny, it helps you to know if your children or staff are walking through restricted areas or if your spouse is lying to you, especially in the late hours. All data will reach your web-based personal account on your computer.

Better sooner than never !: You need to know this saying that says "this is the right time to act". You shouldn't stop doing works. If you feel anything lazy, confront it immediately so that your children do not fall into the wrong hands or that your spouse stops playing with you "two faces" or forbids one of your employees from switching to your competitor.

All you need is to chase them without their knowledge. This is only possible through a successful installation of the monitoring software on your cell phone. Along with their location, you can also know many things about your target phone using the cellphone monitoring app . Let's check what these phone promotions are:

  • Handyanrufe;
  • SMS and emails;
  • IM chat conversations;
  • Searched website URLs;
  • Telefonbuchdetails;
  • Multimedia folder.
  • Instagram spy
  • Snapchat Spy

Knowing where they are going and who they are connecting with is imperative!


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